After LASIK eye surgery, it’s important to take proper care of your eyes to help ensure they heal well. There are a few dos and don’ts after laser eye surgery that you will want to follow during your recovery period.
Do use medications and eye drops.
Use the artificial tears 4-6 times a day or more for the first week. In addition to artificial tears, use the antibiotic and steroid drops as prescribed. The antibiotic drops are to prevent infections, and the mild steroid drops are to prevent inflammation after surgery. It is very important that you use them as instructed by the doctor.
Do take time to rest your eyes.
Be sure to rest your eyes, sleep and give yourself time to heal.
Do use UV-protective sunglasses.
Your eyes will be sensitive after your surgery in the same way as they are after having them dilated. Avoid bright light outdoors and indoors until your eyes heal.
Do go to all follow-up appointments.
You will have a follow-up visit the day after your surgery. It is not uncommon to have another follow-up in about 3-4 weeks post-surgery, and another follow-up at 3 to 6 months. These appointments monitor the healing process to ensure it is proceeding correctly.
Don’t use any electronic devices.
Do not use your phone, tablet, TV or computer for at least 24-48 hours post-surgery. Screens can strain and dry out the eyes. Once you do start looking at screens again, you may need to use lubricating eye drops for a short time until your eyes are fully healed.
Don’t try to read a book or other printed materials.
Reading anything printed can put a strain on your eyes. Avoid reading during your recovery period.
Don’t take a shower.
Water and steam from a shower aren’t good for your eyes just after surgery. You may take a bath, but wait to take a shower until you are healed.
Don’t wear eye makeup.
Wait for a week after your laser eye surgery until you wear makeup again, as makeup can be irritating to the eyes.
Don’t play sports or exercise.
Wait to exercise or play sports for a few weeks until you’re well healed.